소리도 없이/VOICE OF SILENCE (장편/Feature Film )
*Selected as one of top 12 projects at Venice Biennale College-Cinema 2016/2017
*Shortlisted for Sundance Screenwriters Lab January 2016 (working title 'Without A Trace')

서식지 / HABITAT (단편/Short Film 2018)
*부산국제영화제 단편경쟁 / World Premiered at Busan International Film Festival, 2018
*서울아트시네마, 가족의 아시아 섹션 상영 / Seoul Art Cinema, Family in Asia section, 2018


2015, 15min, ARRI Alexa
*Won Best Student Short Film at London Short Film Festival, 2016, London, UK
*Offical selection at RIIFF/Flickers' Roving Eye International Film Festival, USA, 2016
*Official selection for Atlanta Film Festival, 2016, USA
*Official selection for East End Film Festival, 2015, London, UK
*Official selection for Greenhorn Short Film Festival, 2015, London, UK
*Official selection for Kerry Film Festival, 2015, Kerry, Ireland
*Official selection for XPONORTH Festival, 2015, Scotland, UK
*Official selection for Sci-Fi London Film Festival, 2015, London, UK
*Official selection for the International competition, at Cellu L’art Short Film Festival, Jena, Germany
It’s Rising Again (Music Video)

2013, 4min 40sec, Canon 5D
Music video for The Flaming Lips, a GENERO.tv competition.
*Selected as a finalist
K . F. D. H (Short Film)

2010, 10min, 35mm B/W film
Ben, a homeless guy, walked in Henry’s house to find his cat that disappeared into. In the house, Ben found foods and warmth that he could not find on the street where he had been sleeping. After having some nibbles, he accidentally fell asleep and when Henry came back Ben hid himself under the bed.
Henry is not aware of Ben’s existence. Even though Ben had a chance to escape the room when Henry was in the toilet he decided to stay in allured by foods and radiator. This place was a sanctuary for Ben. They spend a day and half together when Henry is eating, Ben is also eating and when Henry's writing, Ben is taking nap under his bed. When Henry’s mother who always interferes his life visited with an arrangement of a publisher for her son.
A strange timing of her visit made all different kinds of misunderstanding in their mind. Three of them confront each other in a peculiar manner.